Poolmans Baking Cups offers its consumers complete solutions regarding consumer units. There is a wide range of possibilities to present your cups in a shop in a striking manner; packed in plastic cups, window boxes (cardboard or plastic), bags with or without header card, blisters or special packaging. 

Because we can guarantee exact numbers of cups per stack, the consumer will never have too much or too little dough whilst baking.

Poolmans Baking Cups does not only take care of production, but also carries responsibility for supplying your distribution center with the consumer packs. Therefore your products will always be with your customers or in the stores on time.

To distinguish your product from others you can choose to in various designs and/or precolored paper. The sturdiness of the cup can be improved by using heavier quality paper. Besides that, we have the possibility to use siliconized paper, which facilitates the release of the baking products.